Starting a new role is typically full of nervous anticipation and excitement. There is so much information to share and correct protocol needs to be followed. This is where a helpful employee handbook can be invaluable.

Employee handbooks are a valuable way of welcoming new support workers and explaining the way things work. Prepared to reflect the practical needs of the family, the Employer and the Case Manager, it should be informative and engage the Employee. The aim is to help them to fully contribute to the team.

With extensive experience in the preparation of employee handbooks, Embrace HR can assist. We will set out the key points that are helpful to employees.

What is Included in an Employee Handbook?

The Employee Handbook should be a live document that sets out useful information, expectations and practical advice on ‘how things are done around here’. The Employee Handbook does not contain a care plan or any personal information about the client.

It will signpost the employee to sources of further information, for instance on Government websites. It is a reference for employees, case managers and families, should they need guidance on HR procedures.

Information in the employee handbook will include Equal Opportunities, Confidentiality and Health and Safety policy. It also covers absences such as sickness, annual leave, and family leave, along with disciplinary and grievance procedures. In short, it is an introduction to help employees get started in their roles. It also provides a reference point throughout their employment, providing answers to queries they may have.

Updating the Employee Handbook

Rather than a static document, the employee handbook should be regularly updated. It must reflect changes to the working environment, policy, care sector requirements and employment law. For this reason, Embrace HR recommends a digital employee handbook rather than a printed format.

Inducting Self-employed Team Members

There can be a benefit to providing self-employed team members with an edited version of the handbook. This information will help them to contribute quickly to the team and fulfil expectations.

Get in touch to find out how we can support you and your care team today or call us on:

01296 761 288

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